Saturday, June 25, 2016

 If you still believe in statehood for Puerto Rico, would have to be either ignorant or moron. Puerto Rico has nothing to offer to the United States in exchange for statehood?

And now what? You and the party took the 936 and the military bases of Puerto Rico and forgive me for the good statesmen who I know. But it was the most stupid decision in the history of Puerto Rico.

Si todavía creen en la estadidad para Puerto Rico, tendría que ser ignorante o Morón. Puerto Rico no tiene nada que ofrecer a los Estados Unidos a cambio de la estadidad?
Ustedes y el partido sacarón la 936 y de las bases militares de Puerto Rico, y perdóname por los buenos estadistas que conosco. Pero fue la decisión más estúpida de la historia del PNP. Y ahora qué?

If under the commonwealth status, we cannot declare Puerto Rico in bankruptcy or seek help international as the IMF. Then to this point today the Commonwealth was not serves more for Puerto Rico. I believe that all Puerto Ricans feel betrayed by the Americans. Although I think that the Member States are not to blame for politqueria cheap of Puerto Rico.

Si bajo el Estado Libre Asociado, Puerto Rico no puede declararse en quiebra o buscar la ayuda internacional como el FMI. Entonces a este punto hoy el Estado Libre Asociado no sirve más para Puerto Rico. Creo que todos los puertorriqueños se sienten traicionados por los estadounidenses. Aunque creo que los Estados Unidos no tienen la culpa "directa" de la politqueria barata de Puerto Rico.

Desperdiciando el mejor momento histórico para promover la independencia de Puerto Rico y...... NADA.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Alan Greenspan says Brexit is the ‘tip of the iceberg’ for Europe

The global economy is suffering from even bigger woes than the decision by U.K. voters to leave the European Union, Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said Friday.
”This is just the tip of the iceberg,” Greenspan said in an interview on CNBC. “The global economy is in real serious trouble.”
The rejection of British voters of the status quo in Europe was fueled by a “massive slowing” in the growth rate of real incomes that is widespread across Europe, Greenspan said. This, he said, is creating serious political problems that are not easy to resolve.

Puerto Rico can be the next?

I believe that we in Puerto Rico we should move forward to a referendum, to exit the USA. That you think about this topic?

Not statehood